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Patient M.I., age 74.
- As you can understand, I suffered not only from knee joints diseases, but from many other things. Arthritis and Arthrosis didn't let me walk or even step. I didn't want to take hormones
Diseases | Views: 800 | Added by: Yait | Date: 02.08.2013 | Comments (0)

Patient T.V., 58.
- The skin was damaged by Eczema. What does it mean? It means that I could neither wash, no cook, i.e., I was not a housewife up to 57. And what about skin itch? Well, at the age of 57 I became a housewife. Now I can do everything in the home. All this thanks to Bio-Resonance Therapy.
Diseases | Views: 781 | Added by: Yait | Date: 02.08.2013 | Comments (0)

The treatment is done with the use of the secure and effective method - Bio-Resonance Therapy.

Patient S.A., age 16.
- My parents and I didn't believe that Vitiligo can be cured. We tried to treat this disease by different methods but without whatever result, until we came to Professor V.Friedman's clinic.
Diseases | Views: 1110 | Added by: Yait | Date: 02.08.2013 | Comments (0)

Patient M.D., age 58.
- There are many ointments to treat the Psoriasis. But all they are for external use and I understood that the disease is inside me. In Professor V.Friedman's Clinic they found the source of the disease and treat me without ointments. Just a little of it has remained.
Patient K., age 64.
Diseases | Views: 873 | Added by: Yait | Date: 02.08.2013 | Comments (1)

Patient Z.R., age 57.
- An endocrinologist and a surgeon insisted on removal of part of my Thyroid because of my Hyperthyroidism, and said that the rest of my life I shall have to take Thyroid-Stimulating Hormones. In the Internet I found Bio-Resonance Therapy and began to get this treatment.
Diseases | Views: 851 | Added by: Yait | Date: 02.08.2013 | Comments (0)

Patient A.U., age 58.
- I applied to the surgical clinic for the treatment of stomach cancer but I was refused because I have already had metastases in the lungs and the liver. The treatment with Bio-Resonance Therapy resulted in the disappearance of metastases both in the lungs and in the liver and surgeons operated on me, removing the stomach cancer.
Diseases | Views: 1600 | Added by: Yait | Date: 02.08.2013 | Comments (0)

Patient U.R., age 62.

- I suffered from hypertension since I was 10 years old. Recently I went to Hannover (Germany) where the latest generation of medicine for treating the hypertension was prescribed for me. But they also were not completely effective.

Diseases | Views: 766 | Added by: Yait | Date: 02.08.2013 | Comments (0)

Patient C.C.
- I was treated for Asthma for ten years and had already begun to take hormonal medicines. No physician promised to cure me of it. Since starting Bio-Resonance Therapy, the disease began to lessen, and as a result, the need for hormonal preparations was reduced and finally eliminated completely.
Diseases | Views: 793 | Added by: Yait | Date: 02.08.2013 | Comments (0)

The treatment is done with the use of Bio-Resonance Therapy.
Patient B.I., age 17

- I suffered from type 1 Diabetes since I was 4, and I was treated with Insulin. Before Bio-Resonance Therapy my blood glucose level was much higher then normal one.
Diseases | Views: 876 | Added by: Yait | Date: 02.08.2013 | Comments (2)

Patient Z.M., age 58.
- I suffered from backaches for three weeks. It was especially difficult during night sleep. Analgetics helped only for a short time. Bio-Resonance Therapy found the source of backaches (a herniated disc), removed it and backaches eliminated
Diseases | Views: 834 | Added by: Yait | Date: 02.08.2013 | Comments (0)

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