The treatment with bioresonance therapy does not guarantee a 100% result. Patient U.R., age 62.
- I suffered from hypertension since I was 10 years old. Recently I went to Hannover (Germany) where the latest generation of medicine for treating the hypertension was prescribed for me. But they also were not completely effective. From the moment of treating the hypertension with Bio-Resonance Therapy the disease began to lessen and the arterial pressure normalized. Later I got married. That's all.
Patient D.Z., age 76.
- In my leg arteries, a large number of atherosclerotic plaques were diagnosed (by Doppler). I suffered from pains in the legs, which were pale and cold all the time, and walking was difficult. The 3-month treatment with Bio-Resonance Therapy reduced the amount of plaques by 40%. I began to walk better, my legs became warmer and the pains weakened. As a result of the subsequent treatment, Doppler didn't show plaques at all.
Patient K.E., age 55.
- Periodical pains behind the breastbone, walking dyspnea, wrong ECG – all these made me anxious concerning worse consequences. Medicines improved the condition temporarily but didn't cure the disease. Diagnostics done by Professor V.Friedman showed that heart vessels were atherosclerotic and therefore blood flow to the heart was poor. Treatment with Bio-Resonance Therapy led to reduction of pains behind the breastbone, and the ECG improved. The efficiency of treatment with bioresonance therapy depends on the patient’s physical condition.
Professor Victor Friedman works in the field of curing the diseases by the method of Bio-Resonance Therapy for already over 20 years. He was among those who developed and implemented this method in Russia. In 1990 he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences (M.D., Ph.D) (Diploma of Doctor of Medical Sciences series DT, no. 005713 from 18.01.1991).Up to 1995 Professor V. Friedman worked as a Head of Research Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine affiliated with the Ministry of Health of Russia. From 1995 up to 2012 he worked as a Head of the South-East Medical Center in Moscow.
Professor Victor Friedman теl +7 972 (0)50 99 00 739 | Israel, Omer, Atad st., 26